Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I thought the dryer balls I bought years ago at a dollar store would be comparable to the Norwex version. They are not.
The round, blue, knobby baseballs I have been using have dented my dryer, and are so noisy, I couldn't use my dryer if someone was sleeping. But that is the cost of "going green"... right?
Now that I know better, I have to ask myself, "Has not every single Norwex product you have tried been an improvement to what you were using before?" It has.
Norwex Dryer Balls are soft, and oval shapped, to roll with the rotation of the dryer, not pinball inside the drum. They do what they were designed to do - soften fabrics naturally - and they do it better then the cheaper alternatives.
Now, I realize there are some of you out there who still use fabric softener and dryer sheets...
Here's why I made the switch:
I no longer use the full-of-frangrance-to-mask-the-chemical-smell fabric softener, nor the single use, landfill destined dryer sheet alternatives. I just wish that when I made the switch, I landed in the middle of the road with Norwex Dryer Balls, rather then making do with the bargain basement version!
The round, blue, knobby baseballs I have been using have dented my dryer, and are so noisy, I couldn't use my dryer if someone was sleeping. But that is the cost of "going green"... right?
Now that I know better, I have to ask myself, "Has not every single Norwex product you have tried been an improvement to what you were using before?" It has.
Norwex Dryer Balls are soft, and oval shapped, to roll with the rotation of the dryer, not pinball inside the drum. They do what they were designed to do - soften fabrics naturally - and they do it better then the cheaper alternatives.
Now, I realize there are some of you out there who still use fabric softener and dryer sheets...
Here's why I made the switch:
- Common dryer sheets greatly reduce the flame retardency of children's clothing
- They create toxic fumes when released with heat
- Warranties on some new dryer models can be negated because of their use
- Their inert ingredients can cause cancer, liver disease, Alzheimer's, and many other chronic disorders
- Common dryer sheets can cause allergic reactions on your skin
- They create a clogging residue on your lint screen that can cause the heating element to burn out
I no longer use the full-of-frangrance-to-mask-the-chemical-smell fabric softener, nor the single use, landfill destined dryer sheet alternatives. I just wish that when I made the switch, I landed in the middle of the road with Norwex Dryer Balls, rather then making do with the bargain basement version!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I was sharing with a friend that I am done working for the month. She looked at me quizzically, since it was only the 15th of the month. I explained that I had already reached my goals for the month by selling at 2 parties. I earned $600, in about 6 hours. So I can take the rest of the month off!
She is also in direct sales, and we discussed how you can become a consultant for a product you love for 3 different reasons; to cover the cost of your own product, to share it with friends and family on a part time basis, or to dedicate your full time efforts to growing a home based business. But because my consultant commission is almost double what she earns, I am able to meet my goals with a lot less work!
Everyone will find their own reason for joining Norwex - whether it is to combine family with a career, earn extra income, build a nest egg, or simply to find a productive outlet for their talents and energy. Norwex offers you an outstanding business opportunity!
Join my team and you will be the one who decides how to sell Norwex products: whether it is by using a one-to-one approach, organizing home presentations, trade shows, or through catalogue sales.
Saturday, November 6, 2010

I was listening to a Norwex Sales Leader the other day, discussing how we, as consultants, sometimes forget about "life before Norwex".
She pointed out that once you convert to green cleaning with Norwex it becomes second nature.
I had a reminder recently of how awesome these products are at doing what they claim to do.
I used the Makeup Remover clothes.
And once again, I am amazed at how effective and safe these products are.
I like mineral makeup, eyeliner and mascara. I can wash my face clean with just water and the cloths. It is gentle and simple. Because they come in a package of three, I have one in both bathrooms, and one in my travel toiletries bag.
No more excuses for going to bed with my makeup on!
She pointed out that once you convert to green cleaning with Norwex it becomes second nature.
I had a reminder recently of how awesome these products are at doing what they claim to do.
I used the Makeup Remover clothes.
And once again, I am amazed at how effective and safe these products are.
I like mineral makeup, eyeliner and mascara. I can wash my face clean with just water and the cloths. It is gentle and simple. Because they come in a package of three, I have one in both bathrooms, and one in my travel toiletries bag.
No more excuses for going to bed with my makeup on!
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Throughout history, people
have taken advantage of the
antimicrobial properties of silver.
The Greeks and Romans stored
water in silver as it was believed this
kept the liquids fresh.
During the plagues in Europe, wealthy families ate from silver plates and utensils, in the hope that silver might protect them from the disease that was claiming their neighbours’ lives.
The expression ‘born with a silver spoon in the mouth’ had a dual meaning. Not only did it refer to wealth, it also referred to health. People were eating off silver spoons because they knew that an infection couldn’t survive on silver. People were taking advantage of the natural ANTIMICROBIAL properties of silver.
Today many products are produced using silver to give antibacterial properties to that surface. Silver yoga clothing, silver soap , silver-lined curtains in hospitals, silver-lined bandages, silver-lined bandaids, silver toothbrushes etc.
Norwex Antibac products use the proven effectiveness of silver to kill the microbes lurking in your home. Combat new bacteria, with the most reliable technology!
Friday, August 27, 2010

How to use Microfiber Cloths
• Fold the cloth in half. Fold it again. You now have a total of 8 clean sides to work with. For the Window and Car cloth, fold it again and you have 16 sides.
• Place your whole hand on the cloth and wipe with even strokes. The cloth should be flat against the cleaning surface.
• On less dirty surfaces, spray water on the surface and lightly polish with a microfiber cloth. For dirty surfaces, clean the surface with a wet Enviro Cloth first, then use the Window or Car cloth to dry and polish
Microfiber Washing Instructions
To save the environment and reduce the use of detergents, we suggest that cloths and mops which are slightly dirty, or embedded with grease, be washed with a little dish detergent under warm running water and used again before laundering. You DO NOT have to wash with soap after each use if not dirty, but you should always rinse under warm to hot running water. Launder microfiber cloths in hot water with other lint-free laundry using Norwex laundry detergent (or other environmentally friendly detergent). Do not use bleach or fabric softener as this will destroy the product’s ability to clean effectively.
To deep clean, remove stubborn stains or odours from smelly cloths, Norwex microfiber can be boiled for 10 minutes to allow fibers to swell and release the debris. Use our Rubber Brush to remove dirt and debris from the mops between launderings.
• Fold the cloth in half. Fold it again. You now have a total of 8 clean sides to work with. For the Window and Car cloth, fold it again and you have 16 sides.
• Place your whole hand on the cloth and wipe with even strokes. The cloth should be flat against the cleaning surface.
• On less dirty surfaces, spray water on the surface and lightly polish with a microfiber cloth. For dirty surfaces, clean the surface with a wet Enviro Cloth first, then use the Window or Car cloth to dry and polish
Microfiber Washing Instructions
To save the environment and reduce the use of detergents, we suggest that cloths and mops which are slightly dirty, or embedded with grease, be washed with a little dish detergent under warm running water and used again before laundering. You DO NOT have to wash with soap after each use if not dirty, but you should always rinse under warm to hot running water. Launder microfiber cloths in hot water with other lint-free laundry using Norwex laundry detergent (or other environmentally friendly detergent). Do not use bleach or fabric softener as this will destroy the product’s ability to clean effectively.
To deep clean, remove stubborn stains or odours from smelly cloths, Norwex microfiber can be boiled for 10 minutes to allow fibers to swell and release the debris. Use our Rubber Brush to remove dirt and debris from the mops between launderings.
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Woohoo! I'm just back from the Norwex International Conference. It was an incredible experience.
Debbie Bolton, President of Norwex North America, and Bjorn Nicholiasen, Chairman of Norwex International both addressed us.
I was really impressed with the focus of their presentation. They encouraged us to strive for our best, by applying the companies core values to our business practice.
Norwex's core values include integrity, honesty, trust, and respect.
I'm feeling really positive about working with a company whose goal is to improve quality of life in an ethically and morally upright manner.
Another exciting part of the weekend was the preview of the new item's being launched for Fall 2010.
I will be emailing an update with the new products soon! Here's a little hint - you know how kids like to mimic what we do, and Norwex has recreated some of their best sellers in smaller sizes!
So fun! I can't wait to hear your response!
Debbie Bolton, President of Norwex North America, and Bjorn Nicholiasen, Chairman of Norwex International both addressed us.
I was really impressed with the focus of their presentation. They encouraged us to strive for our best, by applying the companies core values to our business practice.
Norwex's core values include integrity, honesty, trust, and respect.
I'm feeling really positive about working with a company whose goal is to improve quality of life in an ethically and morally upright manner.
Another exciting part of the weekend was the preview of the new item's being launched for Fall 2010.
I will be emailing an update with the new products soon! Here's a little hint - you know how kids like to mimic what we do, and Norwex has recreated some of their best sellers in smaller sizes!
So fun! I can't wait to hear your response!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Norwex Microfiber uses capillary action to pull dirt and grease within the fibers and away from the surface. |
One of the most important technological developments in recent years has been the ability to produce extremely fine fibers. These “micro-fibers” are of an even finer quality than natural fibers such as silk. In many products it is the luxurious feel and look of the fabrics, which makes the microfiber so special. In others it is their unique physical and mechanical performance which makes this fabric unique.
With Norwex microfiber, we focus on the physical and mechanical performance in our product line.
Textile fibers are measured in grams per 10,000 meters (dtex). For a fiber to be considered a microfiber it must be 1 dtex or finer. This means a single thread of 10,000 meters must weigh less than 1 gram.
Norwex’s microfiber has a dtex of 0.13. One gram of Norwex microfiber will span over 70,000 meters. In each Norwex Enviro Cloth there is approximately 2.9 million meters of microfiber.
Used dry these fibers produce an electrostatic charge which attracts and holds dust particles.
When wet the fibers use capillary vacuum force to pull moisture and grease from the surface up into the fibers.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If many of these chemicals are not good for our environment should they really be used in our homes or around our bodies?
With the Norwex chemical-free antibacterial microfiber system you don’t breathe, touch or ingest chemicals. Dirt, dust, grease and bacteria are removed instead of spread around your home, creating a cleaner indoor climate, and reducing allergens.
Germs grow in damp cleaning cloths, full of chemicals and grime. This is why we need a cloth that not only picks up dirt and grime without releasing it onto other surfaces, but a cloth that inhibits bacterial growth.
Saturday, August 7, 2010

True cleanliness does not smell.
It might be difficult to accept that fact, since we have been taught that clean smells like "pine", or "lemon", or "fresh linen".
But these are simulated chemical scents, added to cover up the smell of the cleaning chemicals.
Besides ingesting these chemicals (skin absorbs, and smelling something means molecules are entering your respiratory system), there are other health concerns.
The traditional method of cleaning with chemicals and cotton cloths results in breaking down dirt and grime and spreading it over the entire surface.
This may provide a visual appearance of clean. However it can actually cause your surface to be hygienically more contaminated at a microscopic microbial level.
Bottom line, after cleaning with microfiber and water, there is no smell.
Friday, August 6, 2010

If you are like me, you have been subjected to years and years of advertising aimed at convincing us that chemicals are the only option for cleaning our homes and our bodies.
When I discovered Norwex Enviro Products, the consumer in me said it was too good to be true, but my training as a nurse made me look deeper.
The next few entries are directed at exploring the basic science behind Norwex Enviro Products, as explained in the product manual.
Your comments and personal experiences are most welcome!
The Dirt On Dirt
Residuals attract dirt
When surfaces are left moist and wet after cleaning, only the water component of your cleaning solution evaporates leaving broken down dirt, grime and chemicals to dry on the surface.
The definition of CLEAN is to remove all forms of contaminants from a surface leaving it in as original condition as possible.
This means that in order to leave surfaces CLEAN we cannot leave residuals behind on them.
Residuals determine the frequency of needed cleaning.
The fewer residuals left behind on a surface the better, as residuals determine how often that surface should be cleaned.
Friday, July 23, 2010

Every time I check my email, there is an advertisement at the top of the page stating "You babyproof everything else... Why not your floors?"
It's an add for Swiffer WetJet.
It also states "Swiffer WetJet can kill 99.9% of bacteria".
Now I'm not saying that it doesn't do that. But if they expect me to believe that the chemical soup they call cleaner and want me to smear all over my floors is baby proofing... well... I have to take issue with that.
1. Man made chemicals are not healthy for my baby to ingest, which is exactly what is happening every time he touches, tastes and smells chemical cleaner.
2. Bacteria becomes resistant to chemicals. Ever heard of Superbugs? As a registered nurse, and I encounter them everyday. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so if bad bacteria is exposed to a chemical that does not kill it, the bacteria can develop resistance. Precisely why chemical cleaners regularly need to be "New and Improved" (read "Stronger and Deadlier).
3. Not all bacteria is bad. Immunity is built by being exposed to a small dose of bad bacteria that our bodies were created to defend against. Good bacteria helps defend our body.
4. Read the fine print. The ad clearly (in very tiny font) states that you must use as directed to ensure these results. That includes allowing the chemical to sit on the surface you have cleaned for 10 minutes. Unless you saturate the floor, I suspect it dries faster, therefore not killing 99.9% of bacteria.
So, I like to think that if you are going to criticize something, you had better offer up a better idea.
Norwex Enviro Products are the answer to my strong desire to clean my home and keep my family safe - without chemicals.
1. Norwex microfibers use just water to clean 99.9% of bacteria from surfaces.
2. Norwex Antibac Microbifer contains antibacterial silver embedded into the microfiber. Bacteria do not become resistant to the silver, because the action disables the bacteria from reproducing.
3. Microfiber picks up good and bad bacteria from the surface you clean, but leaves no residue behind, therefore leaving a surface more suited for good bacteria to return to.
4. Norwex Antibac Microfiber has some fine print too... All Norwex microfiber products have a full 2 year money-back guarantee. This means that if in that period of time your Norwex Antibac microfiber cloth degrades, Norwex will replace it.
To learn more about this safer option, click here.
Every time I check my email, there is an advertisement at the top of the page stating "You babyproof everything else... Why not your floors?"
It's an add for Swiffer WetJet.
It also states "Swiffer WetJet can kill 99.9% of bacteria".
Now I'm not saying that it doesn't do that. But if they expect me to believe that the chemical soup they call cleaner and want me to smear all over my floors is baby proofing... well... I have to take issue with that.
1. Man made chemicals are not healthy for my baby to ingest, which is exactly what is happening every time he touches, tastes and smells chemical cleaner.
2. Bacteria becomes resistant to chemicals. Ever heard of Superbugs? As a registered nurse, and I encounter them everyday. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so if bad bacteria is exposed to a chemical that does not kill it, the bacteria can develop resistance. Precisely why chemical cleaners regularly need to be "New and Improved" (read "Stronger and Deadlier).
3. Not all bacteria is bad. Immunity is built by being exposed to a small dose of bad bacteria that our bodies were created to defend against. Good bacteria helps defend our body.
4. Read the fine print. The ad clearly (in very tiny font) states that you must use as directed to ensure these results. That includes allowing the chemical to sit on the surface you have cleaned for 10 minutes. Unless you saturate the floor, I suspect it dries faster, therefore not killing 99.9% of bacteria.
So, I like to think that if you are going to criticize something, you had better offer up a better idea.
Norwex Enviro Products are the answer to my strong desire to clean my home and keep my family safe - without chemicals.
1. Norwex microfibers use just water to clean 99.9% of bacteria from surfaces.
2. Norwex Antibac Microbifer contains antibacterial silver embedded into the microfiber. Bacteria do not become resistant to the silver, because the action disables the bacteria from reproducing.
3. Microfiber picks up good and bad bacteria from the surface you clean, but leaves no residue behind, therefore leaving a surface more suited for good bacteria to return to.
4. Norwex Antibac Microfiber has some fine print too... All Norwex microfiber products have a full 2 year money-back guarantee. This means that if in that period of time your Norwex Antibac microfiber cloth degrades, Norwex will replace it.
To learn more about this safer option, click here.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am shocked and amazed - and so happy to share this:
We have very hard water, and honestly, due to my refusal to use conventional chemical cleaners, I have learned to live with hard water spots and mineral build up.
I was not expecting this kind of result.
I have added some instructions below, but I (read them after the fact) sprayed it on to the dry glass, left it about 8 minutes, then cleaned it off with a damp Enviro Cloth, and polished with my Window Cloth.
See for yourself...

Norwex DeScaler is entirely natural, made of ingredients that are formed from bacteria found in our very own bodies, as well as orange extract.
There are no synthetic colours or dyes. This means that it is more biodegradable and is better for our long-term health and the health of the environment.
It also means that it isn’t that attractive to look at, but it sure does an amazing job!
The trick to using the new DeScaler is to mist it on (it may spread better if the surface is slightly damp first), and wipe it with a damp Enviro Cloth within 5 minutes (1 to 2 minutes is likely enough) – it does not need any more time to work, and if left on the surface for too long, can dry to or even temporarily stain the surface – to fix this, just spray more on, wait a few seconds, then wipe away.
You may use far less of this product than our previous version.
Please note that although this product is natural, yet some people may still be sensitive to it.
We have very hard water, and honestly, due to my refusal to use conventional chemical cleaners, I have learned to live with hard water spots and mineral build up.
I was not expecting this kind of result.
I have added some instructions below, but I (read them after the fact) sprayed it on to the dry glass, left it about 8 minutes, then cleaned it off with a damp Enviro Cloth, and polished with my Window Cloth.
See for yourself...
Norwex DeScaler is entirely natural, made of ingredients that are formed from bacteria found in our very own bodies, as well as orange extract.
There are no synthetic colours or dyes. This means that it is more biodegradable and is better for our long-term health and the health of the environment.
It also means that it isn’t that attractive to look at, but it sure does an amazing job!
The trick to using the new DeScaler is to mist it on (it may spread better if the surface is slightly damp first), and wipe it with a damp Enviro Cloth within 5 minutes (1 to 2 minutes is likely enough) – it does not need any more time to work, and if left on the surface for too long, can dry to or even temporarily stain the surface – to fix this, just spray more on, wait a few seconds, then wipe away.
You may use far less of this product than our previous version.
Please note that although this product is natural, yet some people may still be sensitive to it.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My dear husband and I have very different views when it comes to using household chemicals. For the most part, these matters fall into my jurisdiction, therefore I get to make the call.
But last month we went away camping.
Preparing to leave, my DH announced that he was going to dump the old gasoline for the boat in "the back 40", since we and the pets would be away for a week. I was horrified, and assured him there must be some way to deal with this waste other then poisoning our backyard!
Long story short, the gasoline came on holidays with us, and home again.
Any suggestions???
My triumph came later in the week, when I beat DH to cleaning the boat. He had somehow managed to slip some "Marine Spray Nine" into our cart last shopping trip, dazzled by the claims that it "Kills Viruses". It also cost $16 for the bottle.
I reminded him that he could use an Enviro cloth to do the job, if he wanted to actually kill viruses without harming the other living creatures coming into contact with the boat (like, say, his family, for example). He stated he didn't want to ruin the cloth. I suspected that I could do the job, with lots of remaining life left in the cloth, but hey, we're going on holidays. Pick your battles, I reminded myself.
I had the inspiration to clean half the boat with my Enviro cloth, just to see if it did as effective a job as the spray. But I couldn't stop at half. The years of grimy dirt were literally wiping away with just water. And the glass was coming so clean with my Window cloth, I really got excited about getting the boat in the water. I cleaned the whole boat. And no, the cloths are not ruined. Stained maybe, cause dirt is dirty.
DH was so thankful, he didn't even regret not getting to use his chemicals.
At least I know our local toxic roundup will take the spray.
But last month we went away camping.
Preparing to leave, my DH announced that he was going to dump the old gasoline for the boat in "the back 40", since we and the pets would be away for a week. I was horrified, and assured him there must be some way to deal with this waste other then poisoning our backyard!
Long story short, the gasoline came on holidays with us, and home again.
Any suggestions???
My triumph came later in the week, when I beat DH to cleaning the boat. He had somehow managed to slip some "Marine Spray Nine" into our cart last shopping trip, dazzled by the claims that it "Kills Viruses". It also cost $16 for the bottle.
I reminded him that he could use an Enviro cloth to do the job, if he wanted to actually kill viruses without harming the other living creatures coming into contact with the boat (like, say, his family, for example). He stated he didn't want to ruin the cloth. I suspected that I could do the job, with lots of remaining life left in the cloth, but hey, we're going on holidays. Pick your battles, I reminded myself.
I had the inspiration to clean half the boat with my Enviro cloth, just to see if it did as effective a job as the spray. But I couldn't stop at half. The years of grimy dirt were literally wiping away with just water. And the glass was coming so clean with my Window cloth, I really got excited about getting the boat in the water. I cleaned the whole boat. And no, the cloths are not ruined. Stained maybe, cause dirt is dirty.
DH was so thankful, he didn't even regret not getting to use his chemicals.
At least I know our local toxic roundup will take the spray.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm sure there is a name for it.
I'm not sure I want to know what it is...
There is something in me that stops me from doing a thing if there is any doubt in my mind that I will be able to complete it, exactly as I envisioned.
It effects everything from writing this first blog (it has to be witty and insightful),
to cleaning house (I must do it from top to bottom, eco-wise),
to sending thank you cards (I have to make it from scratch, including a clever note or photo),
to calling someone just because I'm thinking of them (it might be too early, or late).
But now that my curiosity is piqued, I just had to look. And here's what I found:
neurotic perfectionists are "unable to feel satisfaction because in their own eyes they never seem to do things [well] enough to warrant that feeling of satisfaction"
Reminds me of the old adage "Good intentions pave the road to Hell".
This blog is to be my rebellion.
My intent is to write with thoughtful abandon, on many topics, hopefully many that you will connect with.
Here goes nothing.
I'm not sure I want to know what it is...
There is something in me that stops me from doing a thing if there is any doubt in my mind that I will be able to complete it, exactly as I envisioned.
It effects everything from writing this first blog (it has to be witty and insightful),
to cleaning house (I must do it from top to bottom, eco-wise),
to sending thank you cards (I have to make it from scratch, including a clever note or photo),
to calling someone just because I'm thinking of them (it might be too early, or late).
But now that my curiosity is piqued, I just had to look. And here's what I found:
neurotic perfectionists are "unable to feel satisfaction because in their own eyes they never seem to do things [well] enough to warrant that feeling of satisfaction"
Reminds me of the old adage "Good intentions pave the road to Hell".
This blog is to be my rebellion.
My intent is to write with thoughtful abandon, on many topics, hopefully many that you will connect with.
Here goes nothing.
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